ABBA Global Properties

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Discover our premium properties with a privileged location in the areas with the highest growth trend and surplus value projection.

a small investment for a

Large Piece of Land

Lots with an excellent location near golf courses and lakes in United States

Best Countries To Invest

Top Locations!

Investing in land can provide unique stability and insulation from market fluctuations. Our portfolios are invested across high-quality real estate assets with the goal of delivering consistently strong long-term results.

United States

We have land available for sale located in gated communities with amenities such as golf courses, mini golf, tennis courts, swimming pools, gym, sports center, spa, lakes and rivers.


Properties with high added value in the fastest growing area. 


Land with hectares ready for urban development projects and construction of family homes.

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Invest in Real Estate Overseas!

We pride ourselves on helping our clients through every step of their major property acquisition. Our collaborative and team approach with our other trusted advisors provides solutions unique to the individual needs of our clients. 
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Overseas Property Tip

Explore The New Way to Find Best Places to Invest!

In 2023 the real estate market will remain strong in USA. thanks in part to buyers foreigners, mainly from America Latina. Latin American investments are in constant increase for a long time, especially in real estate. The investment foreign general in the real estate sector has increased from 22% to 30% only in the last two years. According to the Association of Investors Foreigners in Real Estate (AFIRE) 86% of they plan to increase their investment portfolio in properties with the double objective of protecting
capital from the cyclical economic ups and downs of their countries and generate a return flow in dollars”.

There are countless surveys and organizations that verify this increase in interest. Other interesting statistic from the National Association of Real Estate Agents (NAR) shows that the 34% of real estate purchases since the abroad (more than $12 billion) come from Latin America.

According to research carried out in the 2022 by the Latin American Association of Real Estate Professionals (LARE), 70% of Latin Americans who invest in real estate choose to buy properties in United States.

Land Investing a Great Opportunity

Benefits Of Owning Land

Benefits Of Owning Land

In today’s world there are so many ways to invest your money but often one of the most overlooked is land. Many people perceive it as being an unprofitable and tough investment, however there are so many benefits of owning land and the rewards that you can reap from them are plentiful.

"Buying real estate is not only the best way, the quickest way, the safest way, but the only way to become wealthy."

Marshall Field

“Real Estate provides the highest returns, the greatest values, and the least risk.”

Armstrong Williams

“There have been few things in my life which have had a more genial effect on my mind than the possession of a piece of land.”

Harriet Martineau

“Everyone wants a piece of land. It’s the only sure investment. It can never depreciate like a car or washing machine. Land will only double its value in the next years.

Sam Shepard

  • Initial investment is low

    Compared to owning a building there are much fewer costs and risks associated with owning land. There are no utility bills to be paying and the cost of insurance for the property will be minimal. As well as this property tax is very cheap!

  • Land is appreciating quickly

    The most attractive feature of real estate investments is that they are almost guaranteed to appreciate. But while land and residential homes both have this in common, investing in a plot might give you an edge. Over the last few years, land has been appreciating much faster than residential property.

  • Flexibility To Do What You Want With The Land

    One of the first benefits of investing in land is that you don't have to do much or sometimes no maintenance on it. Compare this to if you bought an old house or apartment, you'd have to pay to renovate it to make sure it's up to scratch. You just need to be able to market your land to people who potentially want to build on it.

  • It is a finite asset

    One of the biggest advantages of investing in land is that it is a finite resource. New residential high-rises will continue to be built, but there is only a limited amount of land available for ownership. Because of this, owners can be certain that their investment will constantly be in demand as a result of which, its price will continue to appreciate. Investing in a plot of land is undoubtedly one of the best options for individuals looking to gain high returns with minimal risk.

Residential Land In The United States

They Are A Great Addition To Add Or Start Your Portfolio With Your Return Guaranteed Investment!

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If you live in UNITED STATES or Mexico you can buy our land with the credit of SOCIO PRIME.

Why do we choose to Invest in Land in the U.S.A., Mexico, and Panama?

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